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Commercial Portrait Session
In Studio/Cascades Park
Shebee Photography is on the scene once again, and this time it’s to shoot some VERY familiar faces for an interesting session! 😁😉 Our favorite double takes are back, this time to showcase their physical prowess and market their budding trainer business. We love shooting family and enjoy a good challenge like capturing some dynamic personal trainer photos, so lets grab the barbells and the camera and make some photo magic! 📸
Laron had requested that we do a mixed setting session, with some in studio and some on location shots to showcase his physique and training techniques. We started off in the studio, where we focused on highlighting muscle definition with a strategic lighting setup. Using a black backdrop and three-point lighting with colored films, we brought out the best in Laron’s physique, which allowed his workout gear from Gym Shark to really pop against the background. These personal trainer marketing photos were going to be perfect for his growing fitness business! I fired off several great shots while Sherona directed Laron on posing. He’d brought along several pieces of his exercise equipment, which worked well with the shots we were trying to create. We were really pleased with the flow of the session, and were able to get some really great shots out of it.
This shot turned out craaazyyy!
Of course Ron would never arrive without Roy😅, so we got him into a few shots to have them look a little more dynamic. We took several more photos of the two of them looking like bookends, and then grabbed a few more definition shots. That’s a wrap on the studio, lets head out on location! 🏃🏾♂️💨
For the second half of the session, Ron switched up his look and we headed down to Cascades Park to do some on location shots showing off Laron’s training abilities. This time Ron wore some bright orange gym shark shorts and a grey t-shirt of the same brand. Ron demonstrated some proper form exercises and Laroy joined in, allowing us to capture the energy of a real workout session. Roy did not expect to actually have to work out, so we all got a good laugh when Ron really made him work for it. Can you see the sweat on his brow? 😂
Ron then took them through a few running drills, and I let Sherona get off with the camera while I shifted our setup to the fountain a short distance away.
We finished the session with Ron’s final workout portion, the stretching and cool down. Ron did a good job coaching Roy throughout the whole workout, and encouraged him through the sections where he struggled. All in all, the day had gone well, and we wrapped with some water bottles 🥵and shared goodbyes. It’s always laughs with these two guys, and Sherona and I hope the best for Ron and his future business!

As always, ‘til next time!
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